bmap4j - Batch Management And Processing For Java

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Batch Transaction Processing Fundamentals - Processing



The processing layer implements the functional aspects of the batch program. To allow for a higher efficiency, it is necessary to try to achieve the highest possible standardization when implementing, without limiting the individuality of each of the batch programs too much.

To achieve this you ideally have to support several sequential and parallel processing models. Regarding the transaction models propagated by the layer, there should be several alternatives offered, as well. By competently implementing idempotence, you can achieve the implementation of e.g. a All-Or-Nothing strategy which makes the restart of batch jobs a lot easier.

A BTP-framework assists you in achieving your goals. The standardization, which results from such a framework, helps you obtain the following effects:

  • Efficient development
  • Fast troubleshooting
  • Easy maintenance
  • Systematic training